
What are nanobubbles?

Nanobubbles have a diameter of less than 50 microns and unique physical characteristics that differ from other types of bubbles.
Their unique characteristics enable nanobubbles to be put to practical use in a variety of fields.



Practical use of nanobubbles

Our technology, which is based on the unique characteristics of nanobubbles, is highly rated in a number of fields.


[Actual use of their sterilization properties]

Viruses eliminated from cultured oysters via the sterilizing properties of microbubbles

>>For more details.


[Actual use of cleaning properties]

Harmless cleaning using nanobubbles and with no need for any chemicals

>>For more detail.


[Actual use of living body activation properties]

Effective medical treatment for carp herpes, gum disease, and infection

>>For more details.


[Actual use of growth promotion properties]

Applicable in the agricultural, marine industry, and medical fields

>>For more details.


Practical application of nanobubbles

Ultrafine bubbles, ultrafine bubble generator, microbubbles, microbubble generating device, microbubble generator, micro nanobubbles, micro nanobubble generator, nanobubbles, nanobubble generator, sea area purification, sludge volume reduction, environmental purification, seabed purification, slime treatment, sludge treatment, river purification, sludge decomposition, sludge treatment, waste water treatment, activated sludge method, improved waste water treatment efficiency, ozone nanobubbles, nanobubble ozone, bearing effect, biological treatment, culture, aquaculture

230-0071 Komaoka 3-1-16, Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa